Saturday, August 23, 2008

Arctic Brainfreeze

Things just "Arndt" what they seem.....

You know, I seem to recall the Fishwrap requiring no personal attacks in their letters to the OZ.....oops I mean Editor. If any crazy can get published, why can't the rest of us? I have had letters passed by because of "lack of space", but apparently that must have included outer Space, since that is where a lot of their material seems to come from. (that and the AP).

Secondly, she surely would be amazed at how much at how much support she has garnered for Mr. K due to her verbal vomit. I mean, who are you going to vote for, a guy who stands for education, fisheries, clean elections, and economic stability, or a really nice guy endorsed by the village crazy. Gee, let me think about that.....poor Andy, he really has done nothing to deserve that sort of campaigning.

To top it all off...hey let's donate all our kid's PFD's for the new school! While we're at it, let's designate a portion of our PFD for Ms. A's ongoing mental health care. I actually would donate for that. I particularly enjoyed the part about enciting children to acts of vandalism on private property, and the previous comments on Senior brainwashing. (or was it waterboarding?)

Face it, few people can unilaterally offend all cross-sections of a community as adeptly as Mrs. A. It is truly a gift that the Fishwrap has recognized, and chosen to nurture, much like an Oprah orphan. Now that's Kodiak philanthropy for you.

Peace out.


Ishmael said...

Welcome to the never-dull world of Kodiak blogging.

Art Vandelay said...

Great first blog. I respectfully submit that Andy should be held responsible if he doesn't publicly admonish her. What, is he scared of her? Doesn't want to offend her? If he is going to represent us is he going to be fearful to do the right thing in case in offends a single supporter? Andy is a nice guy but I want a person of character representing me and Andy has failed so far. What she says isn't his fault but what he doesn't say is.

Welcome aboard!

kodiakgriff said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.
Interesting ramblings, BTY the black helicopters have always been watching us, but its for our own good.
Peace and have fun,