Friday, October 3, 2008

Daily Mirror sinks to all-time low......

You know, they had me going, thinking wow, look at all these letters to the editor. ........and then....IT"S BAAACK ! Yes folks, my one and only fave, the rabid racist, and erstwhile child-hater, village idiot and bigot.....LORNA ARNDT!!

As I mentioned in my last post, I believe that our current energy problem could potentially be solved by placing her atop Pillar, and using her prolific oral powers to drive the turbines. She might also be the answer to our natural gas production.

She certainly has a gift though. The oratory of Hitler, propoganda of Goebbels, and the unbridled creativity of Mengele.

OOPS, I almost forgot, the sensitivity of Himmler.....

Mein Gott, how can the Fishrag publish this Hate-mail?? There were so many great/good letters and so diverse in opinion, yet polite, thoughtful, concerned. What ever happened to manners? They must not have taught them in the Gulag.

We are all worried about the economic future of our community and the education of our kids, grandkids, etc... but that includes everyone, all races, religions, etc.. And as long as people are legally here, earning their own money, paying their taxes, and investing in our community, I don't think anyone has the right to belittle or insult them or their lifestyle.

I don't hold it against Lorna that she is crazy either, as a matter of fact, I think that all the local minority groups should get together and create a product line for fundraising.. .I'm thinking Lorna Pinatas, Lorna Halloween Masks, and Lorna tainted apples. I think there is definitely a market here people!

I am wondering a little if all this child hate speech extends to her own offspring and their children, or are they exempt? I wonder if there will be a future municipal bond for a new mental facility? You know I'm voting for that one.